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East Africa- Home of Adventure Safaris

Thomas Wanyoike James

Bush ArtAfrica Safaris Ltd > About us > The Team > Thomas Wanyoike James

Thomas Wanyoike James

Director: Operations & Philanthropy


Tour Director –Incharge Of Philanthropy

Thomas James Wanyoike has a consistent 20 plus years Experience in Tourism and Tour Guiding and has guided many groups and individual family Safaris in both Kenya and Tanzania.

He is well vast in Tour Management having previously worked as Reservations and Resident Manager of Chorus Tours ( A Branch of Havas Communication of France ) here in Kenyan and has traveled extensively in France and Belgium on Tourism Matters as well as the United Stated States on Tourism Promotion and Cultural Lecture tours. He has toured more than 13 State on the United States. Mr Wanyoike is Fluent in French and has a good command of the English language.

James is a graduate of the Kenya Utalii College’s Tourism Department majoring in Tour Guiding and Management. Mr. Wanyoike is ardent Agent for change in human endevours and is a trustee at Awake Citizens Corps an NGO registered in Kenya seeking to enhance Public Safety to avert disasters in Kenya an Africa, as well as Founder Director of AFRIKA AWAKE FOUNDATION a CBO in Nairobi.

Just a Note

A defining Moment

As a young man  in secondary school,  my first ever outing to an overnight Wildlife Park was at Tsavo West National Park in 1979, when I lead a group of young Wildlife Club Members from my school on a Camping trip Sponsored by the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust. This 1st trip did then ignite in me a passion of seeking to understand Nature and our heritages and its intertwining complexities with human life.

What began as a Hobby in those early days resulted in my abandoning a Career Path in Accountancy and Finance to a Passion in Tourism and thus to a New Career Spanning more that 30 years later today.

Contact Info

Phone : 254 – 722-825 – 622
Email : info@bushartafricasafaris.com / afriportfolio@gmail.com